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The Emergency Sanitation Project is a collaboration between IFRC, WASTE and Oxfam GB to solve some of the most difficult challenges with providing sanitation in emergencies.

The Emergency Sanitation Project aims to increase the global understanding of current and future emergency sanitation and to propose new concepts and modular technologies for safe excreta disposal in emergency settings that are applicable in a variety of situations. A menu of options will be available through the development of specialised emergency sanitation modules, which are rapid to deploy and are cost -effective when compared with traditional solutions. We are looking at a wide range of issues – more information on which can be found in the specific areas on the left.


JULY 2019

We have completed Phase 2!  With support from the USAID’s Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) we completed two years of design refinement and field trials for a wide array of innovative sanitation equipment.

Find the final report here

Find the Fact Sheets and Manuals here

Specific information on technologies tested in Phase 2 can be found on their respective pages:

  1. On Site Treatment: Earth Auger, Loowatt and Pelletizer
  2. Onsite Treatment: Rapidly Deployable Septic Tanks for First Phase Emergencies
  3. Facilitating Construction of Urine Diversion Toilets in Emergency Response
  4. Design and Field Trial a Container Based Toilet in Urban Emergency Settings
  5. Latrine Lining
  6. Latrine Superstructures
  7. Sludge Reservoirs
  8. Sludge Screen
  9. Centralized Treatment: Scaled Up Testing of Chemical Additives for Sludge Treatment
  10. Centralized Treatment – Development of the IFRC Aerobic Faecal Waste Treatment Unit for Deployment to Acute Emergencies